You already know that more eyes on your Instagram means more eyes on your offers, and more eyes on your offers means even MORE revenue.
It’s a simple fact, right?
Maybe you gain a handful of followers here and there, but it’s not enough to justify the amount of time, effort, and brain power that’s going into posting.
Am I right?
If I am, you’re probably asking yourself,
And as an “Instagram expert”, I found that *quite* embaRrassing.
“Why do other people with similar content have SO many more followers than me?”
“Do I need to be posting more?”
“Am I doing my reels wrong?”
“Is my bio or feed turning people off?”
“Am I coming off as too salesy?”
I was doing EVERYTHING all the other IG experts said to do.
I had strong hooks in my posts, I posted reels almost daily, I used trending audios, I followed big accounts in my niche…
And sure, I’d get lots of likes, shares, and saves… But followers? Not so much. I’d hit a plateau, and it seemed like there was nothing I could do to break it.
Long story short, I invested into Instagram mentors that were growing at a rapid pace and implemented everything I was taught.
Maybe you gain a handful of followers here and there, but it’s not enough to justify the amount of time, effort, and brain power that’s going into posting.
I started gaining 5,000 - 10,000 followers a month most months, and ended up with 50,000 extra followers!
But this isn’t about me…
The key to posting with purpose so you’re working smarter, not harder
A simple way to continue growing your audience even when you’re in a “sales phase” so you can grow and sell at the same time
How to get 1-3 weeks AHEAD of trends before they’re saturated
An easy method for deconstructing the top-performing posts in your niche so you can leverage them for your own content
Easy ways to ALWAYS have video content available to use and repurpose for reels and stories
Styles of content that work over and over again and how you can use them within your own niche
The power of creating series and how to do them right
How to batch content far enough in advance without missing out on trends or getting overwhelmed
A list of CTAs are best for increasing engagement & followers when you write your captions
How often you need to post to gain followers quickly and steadily
Why it’s important to continue learning and studying other accounts, niches, and experts if you want to keep growing
What you can do to cut your learning curve in half!
Everything you’ll find inside this eBook is 100% tested, up-to-date, and strategies that I CURRENTLY use to continue growing my followers by the thousands every month.
And I know what you’re thinking…
“Of course this works for you, everyone is trying to grow on Instagram and you’re an Instagram coach!”
I hear you, but these strategies ALSO work for my students and clients who are in a variety of niches — from beauty, to wellness, to copywriting!
That means the info you’re getting is NOT a repeat of what you’re hearing all day long as you’re scrolling your feed…
It’s NOT just for business coaches or IG coaches…
And it’s NOT something that will change two weeks from now when IG makes more changes to their platform like they always do…
It’s a proven, rinse-&-repeat system that’s been working for me for over a year — despite the fact that Instagram has changed nearly a dozen times since I started using this framework!
How’s that for quick and easy?!
I know I could have easily made this eBook double the price, or created a full blown course out of it and charged hundreds of pounds for it.
But I KNOW you’re too busy for all of that, and I KNOW you’ve probably already spent loads of time, money, and effort trying to figure this all out.
Instead, I wanted to make this as simple and affordable as possible…
Still have questions? I have answers!
Here’s what’s possible when you have this rinse-&-repeat follower formula: